but did GOD send you?

Posted by Des B on

The days of us being naïve is over. It was good while it lasted, but it’s ovaaaa baby! ✌🏽 We got standards now! Some people just be for some seasons; not all and it’s time we process and understand that. The devil comes in all shapes and sizes. You’ll be thinking God finally sent someone justtt for you but they got EVERY red flag. We are going through the worst and our spirit is low because we allowed someone that wasn’t according to our walk, in our life. 🥴 Spirits jump from person to person especially if you are not constantly praying or being prayed over. I was always so friendly; I wanted to help and show love to everybody and that’s fine but was it for the right reasons? I wanted to feel appreciated and get love because as a child that was what I didn't have. Now I’m going about my life, still being unappreciated and unloved because I’m loving and putting energy into the wrong people. The same cycle would repeat; they would walk away and I would be confused as if I did something.. I didn’t do anything and that’s the problem! I didn’t meet this person and ask God what was their purpose in my life, and I didn’t even ask God to show me who they were. I allowed man to show me themselves and every time man failed me. The Bible says “If a brother or sister is poorly clothed and lacking in daily food, and one of you says to them “go in peace, be warmed and filled” without giving them the things needed for the body, what good is that? So also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.” That goes to show people will just be around to be around sis but if they are not following the will of God, what’s their purpose in YOUR life? We don't need anybody around us that doesn't care for us in the right way. You ever been going through it and tried to vent to a friend or spouse and they say "Damn.. that's crazy."? Yeah, GET RID OF THE THEMMM! We need to be around people that will dress us in God's ROYAL garment and feed us his word. Surround yourself with people that tell you what you need to hear to overcome what you are dealing with instead of what they think you want to hear. Surround yourself with people that will PRAY for you and NOT hinder you. I had to let go of everything and everybody. Friends, and family but I gained a FOREVER FRIEND in God. It's no beef, or bad blood but in this season, I can't take ANY chances. We're young, I’m not saying go and only befriend deacons and pastors, but when you meet someone ask their beliefs, ask how do they deal with their problems or even what they do when their life is fine. I don’t know about y'all but I don't want to get close to anybody that ONE; doesn't know and honor God. (Sorry boo, we can't relate.✌🏽) and TWO; doesn't have any real goals or aspirations. They will drain you and keep you stagnant. Having standards and boundaries with who you surround yourself with will save you time and energy in the end. You won't have to train anybody on how to love or treat you properly because if they follow God, they'll already know! 

And don't forget! 💜 You can always ask God to surround you with people according to your walk, instead of you picking yourself and now you tripping because your flesh chose and not the Holy Spirit. 🙌🏽


Des B 🦋