God. GOAL. Grind. 🦋

Posted by Des B on

What’s a goal? 🤔

A goal is a desired result done with faith that you can accomplish it, and confidence to see it through. 🐛🦋

Here are some steps I think that are KEY to setting some good ass goals 😉 :

1. Make sure it’s realistic. If it can be done within a reasonable time frame with steps and resources that fit your situation, then it’s a realistic goal. We talking about goals here; not fantasies! Anddd, if you don’t know what goals to start with, ask God. In Matthew 7:7 it says, "Ask and it will be given to you. Seek and you will find". God will give you the goal, blueprint, confidence and than sum girl. Just ask. 🙇🏽‍♀️

2. Get a journal, open up the notes on your phone, grab a paper, WHATEVER you use and write down your goals. ✍🏽 We are 42% more likely to accomplish our goals just by writing them down. So do exactly that; Put them into categories according to your situation and prioritize them. Make sure to write and put them in a place where you’ll be able to see them. A good way of putting some of our goals in plain sight is a vision board. And if you don't believe meeee, the bible says in Habakkuk 2:2 to "write your vision down and make it plain".. What you waiting on sis? It's not rocket science. 🥴

3. Next to the goal, put the JUICYYY details. 💦 Tell me when do you want to accomplish it, the steps it will take and who you doing it for. Proverbs 16:3 tells us "commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed". I don’t know about y'all but A LOT of my goals can’t be accomplished if I don’t go to God first. Read to him what you wrote and your reasons.. Ask him for guidance and strength to do what you have to do.

4. Now, we do what we said. Tap in. Get it done. 👏🏽 Figure out what works and what doesn't. Helllll, sometimes your whole goal will change because you’ve learned a little bit about yourself during the way 🤷🏽‍♀️. I know you probably heard this one but Romans 8:28 reads, "and we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” Whether your journey with your goals got you feeling like you killing it or not, it’ll work out for your good because He has called you! Better act like you know.. Chin up always! 👑

5. The results. 👀 Did you accomplish your goal? What did you learn? How can you work moving forward to accomplish your goals more effectively? What are your goals for the next quarter? 

and don’t forget! 💜 As long as you trying to do SOMETHING sis, it'll pay off in the end. Faith without works is dead; How we say we want better but don't go get better? Playtime is OVER! 👏🏽 YOU GOT THISSS 🥳


Des B 🦋