Now this is one of my good sissy's who is soooo sleept on! Big Debs, 👑 also known as Deborah was the first, last and only woman who was chosen to be a judge over the land of Isreal. Isreal was just like the world we live in today, filled with chaos and sin. They would wait until they just couldn't go through it anymore to cry out to God ( 👀 sound familiar?) But Debs wasn't one of them. 🙅🏽♀️ She knew who her father was. She stayed in God's face and he stayed in hers; CLEARLY, because she was the one put in place to solve disputes and issues of the land. Everybody was going to Debby to get help and advice. Why? because even they knew she was God's confidant. 🙇🏽♀️ They knew God used her in a mighty way, even when she didn't see it in herself and it made them want to get what God promised for themselves. People didn't look at Debby as competition or somebody that's inferior due to gender. They looked at the God in her and how she moved and JUST KNEW. That was the first thing I learned from Debby and her short but grand appearance in the bible. Then, I knew she was REALLY that girrrrl 🧚🏽♀️ because God gave her a message for the army general WITH SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS to go fight and kill Isreal's enemies. (And lemme tell you, he really reminds me of today's men 🥴). After she told him what God wanted him to know he insisted he couldn't do it by himself.. Debs was better than me chileee because she put the army gear on and went with him to prove God's message. But because he wasn't obedient to the message, the victory of defeating the enemy would not go to him; but to a WOMAN! whattttttt? 😮💨 so not only does he need help, but a WOMANNNN gon have the victory? You can only imagine his frustration but that's what happens when God tells you to do something and you don't do as he says! That's why I love the story of Deborah so much because it shows us how being strong in your flesh and in God can move mountains! It shows as that as women, (although some might look at us as inferior) we are strong enough together to win the war. As you can see, sometimes the war can't even be won without US! 🥳 A lot of times when you have two strong women, its conflict because SOCIETY tells us we are supposed to beef and not come together. And us being young and not knowing, we rather do everything alone before we give another woman the credit for anything we do but TUH, put me next to the woman that's doing better than me so I can learn! 💯 We might be going through the same fight, why not team up together and slay the dragon? Instead, we look at the dragon, look at each other and throw shade on who the dragon wants more.. 🙄 IT WANTS US BOTH SILLY, we might as well do it side by side! and just because we doing it side by side don't make you better than me or vice versa because we not even doing it for us. We doing it for God, so people can be delivered how we were.. 🏆 God will put people in your path to help you up and push you. Don't be so fast to wanna do it SOLO when you can find you a sister in Christ to grow and learn with. Let's be like BIG DEBS!
and don't forget! 💜 I didn't tell you this story time to put you to sleep babygirl. It's time to WAKE UP and see that a lot of the things and people we deal with today, they also dealt with hundreds of years ago. Ain't nothing change and the devil don't come with ANY new tricks, his old wrinkly ass. 🤷🏽♀️ Feed your spirit and read the word so you can gain confidence because in the BIBLE, there's BAD GIRLS used for good deeds and we up next! 😍
Des B 🦋