Oh how we LOVE using that statement every time the new year rolls around. ππ₯΄ But are we making space for all of this new stuff? Are we cleaning house and letting go of everything that's old? Or are we just saying it because it sounds good? Because in order for us to make room for the new, we have to be willing to let go of the old. And you may think you left your old baggage in the year that passed but in all reality we just saving it for later. And when I say old, I mean the stuff within; How we react to certain situations, how we carry ourselves, and how we care for others. We are stepping into a season where it's mandatory to be better versions of ourselves and in order to do that, we have to unlearn somethings.
- First things first, not every situation deserves a reaction. A lot of times God allows things to take place to see how we are going to deal with it. Like my mother always says, when God looks down at two people arguing, he's not listening to see who has the stronger point or who makes the most sense. He looks at them BOTH as FOOLS because his people loves one another. Even when the person isn't the easiest to love, or it may even be a person you hate.. God and God only can vindicate us. π€·π½ββοΈ and if you think I'm lying, look into Isaiah 41:10. It says God is who goes with you to fight against your enemies and ultimately gives you the victory. Which goes to show when you know who your God is, you know you don't fight or deal with the enemy. GOD GOT THAT! Learn how to leave it to God and not return for it. βπ½
- Second, in Psalm 139:13-14 we read as clear as day how God made us piece by piece with no insecurities, and no flaws. He made us just as he made everything else; in HIS perfect image. God ain't make no mistakes with us sis. So why are we walking around with our heads down and heart heavy because of the things we may have been through? Didn't that make us stronger and bring us closer to Him? It was all in our plan, and it worked for our greater good so don't be ashamed of what you went through because it's exactly that. Something you went through and could not alter or change even if you wanted too because it was what God wanted. Be happy you went through the wilderness and showed the devil what you can do so he knows YOU NOT ONE OF THEM! π π½
- Lastly, only person around here that is innocent is God himself. So NOBODY should be throwing stones when we all do things God isn't too fond of. No sin is greater than the next, but for some reason we always seem to look down on the next person if they doing something we wouldn't do at the time. Instead of looking down, lift that person up! If God judged us the way we judge each other.. whew, this would be one HOT ass place. My favorite bible story about how to treat others is none other than the story of the woman at the well. Jesus knew about her skeletons before she even opened her mouth. He knew she had been with several men and even was living with one who she wasn't married too. He didn't sit at there and say "well you one hot pocket my girlll." He lifted her up and let her know it doesn't matter what life decisions you choose to make, God can use you. Stop looking down at people who's walk maybe different from yours because you NEVER know who God will use to push your blessing. It might be the same person you think your better than. π
Β and don't forget! π New Year, New You; but Same God, and Same Instruction. Don't miss your miracle by holding onto things you can't change and open your eyes. God has kept you all this time.. it ainβt for nothing! itβs 2022 sis, letβs step into our purpose this year. π
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