yeah it’s the holidays but when I say HO! HO! HO! I don’t mean Christmas 🥴 that’s what they was calling our good sis Rahab wayyy back when. Reading about her story had me clutching my pearls because talk about somebody using what people thought about her to make her betterrrr! Her haters was her motivators fr lol, let’s get into this tea while it’s hot! 💯 Now the story of Rahab starts at Joshua 2:1-24; basically Joshua was finna do exactly as his father told him too.. TAKE BACK WHAT’S HIS! so he sent two spies to the enemy’s land to get the drop and ultimately the house they stopped at was gonna be the same house that risked it all for them. and of course it was a woman who you can’t read her name in the bible without reading “Harlot”, or “Postitute”. 😮💨 She and everybody else in that city heard about Joshua and what God was doing for his people. The difference was that she was the only one that believed. She was the only one who was ready to take that risk for the people of God not even knowing what the outcome would be. The King from her land even sent men out to get the spies from Rahab’s house but she already had hid them and had her lie READY!; She had the King’s men thinking they just missed the spies but can catch up to them if they quick enough 😭🤣 after the coast was clear, she went to the men and wasted no time. it doesn’t say “the dumb” it says “the Harlot” Rahab lol. She told them to show her kindness being that she just risked everything for them, but she didn’t take this risk for herself. She knew the miracles God has done for these men and had to make sure she not only saves herself but her FAMILY too! she didn’t pick and choose and said “lemme take my cousin and aunt, leave my mother 🙄” she said save my mother, my father, my sisters, my brothers and even anybody they love. Can you imagine thatttt? the one that’s put to the side.. is the one that will save the WHOLE family? I really love Rahab’s story because she is a SOLID WOMAN. 👑 she went through what she did but she didn’t let it define her. She used it to make her better. She used the very thing that probably would break her spirit to save her family. How many of us have a reputation? it doesn’t have to just be sleeping with men. How many of us are going through the same cycle with no good outcome? How many of us can’t keep a job? How many of us walk around angry at the things we can’t change? Like I said in the last entry, the things we face today are the SAME challenges they faced in the bible. Rahab story just teaches us that it doesn’t matter what life you chose to live in the past; if you believe that God is the one that will save you now and forever more, He will do just that. it doesn’t matter what PEOPLE say about you because God will use that for YOUR good! but if God gon do that for you.. what’s in it for him? Would you do the same? Would you put a deaf ear to the world and move with God’s grace? because “ThE HaRlOt” Rahab did.. and not only did God save her family but He made sure that the family that CAME from her was taken care of. She’s basically Jesus’ great, great, great, great, great, great Grandmother. A WHORE. IN JESUS’ BLOODLINE. DON’T SLEEP ON MY GOOD SIS AND I HOPE YOU AINT SLEEPING ON YOURSELF! 🔥
and Don’t Forget, 💜 Rahab risked her life for strangers just because she believed in what God can do. in times like these, we can use some of Rahab love and help our brother and sister in christ; you never know the blessing that’s waiting on the other side! 🙌🏽