Who's De$ B?

Your still not THAT girl.. 🥴

Posted by Des B on

We are all out here just trying to be THATTTT girl but what does it really take? 🧐 Yes, we have so many role models that embodies what a strong woman is but I like to take tips from my FAVORITE BADDIE; The Proverbs 31 Woman. 🦋 Although she was never named in the bible, this woman was THE DON. Nothing more, nothing less; Shit wouldn't move without her.🏅She knew that and so did everyone around her. She wasn't insecure about herself or her position because she knew what she bought to the table. She's described as a business woman...

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Girl, Get Up.

Posted by Des B on

Yeah, it has been a while but now wouldn’t be a better time to post this. this will be more of a letter to myself because I’m the Girl that needs to get up. If anyone can relate, kuddos to you; join the train. 🚂   Be real with yourself. Not everyone around you is the problem. Sometimes it’s you and that’s okay! You can be a giver, a shoulder to lean on and all that good shit but how are you when problems arise? how do you react to people when your stressed? Because me, I talk to people...

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God. GOAL. Grind. 🦋

Posted by Des B on

What’s a goal? 🤔 A goal is a desired result done with faith that you can accomplish it, and confidence to see it through. 🐛🦋 Here are some steps I think that are KEY to setting some good ass goals 😉 : 1. Make sure it’s realistic. If it can be done within a reasonable time frame with steps and resources that fit your situation, then it’s a realistic goal. We talking about goals here; not fantasies! Anddd, if you don’t know what goals to start with, ask God. In Matthew 7:7 it says, "Ask and it will be given to you. Seek...

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New Year, New Me?

Posted by Des B on

Oh how we LOVE using that statement every time the new year rolls around. 🙄🥴 But are we making space for all of this new stuff? Are we cleaning house and letting go of everything that's old? Or are we just saying it because it sounds good? Because in order for us to make room for the new, we have to be willing to let go of the old. And you may think you left your old baggage in the year that passed but in all reality we just saving it for later. And when I say old, I mean...

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Rahab, my favorite Ho! Ho! Ho!

Posted by Des B on

yeah it’s the holidays but when I say HO! HO! HO! I don’t mean Christmas 🥴 that’s what they was calling our good sis Rahab wayyy back when.

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